The Nikon D850 at the race track.

The Nikon D850 at the race track.

Composing with light.

Composing with light.

Astro Photography.

Astro Photography.



what's in my bag"What's In My Bag?" Update

I updated my equipment article what I carry around with me. A F-Stop backpack, a introduction of my drone transportation and an updated list of gear. I still have my F-Stop Ajna as an alternative, this bag has provided my with reliable service. For all the curious you should take a look on this article.

What's In My Bag?




Nikon D850 Battery Grip: MB-D18 in the Review & Unboxing


The original battery grip for the Nikon D850 in the review and unboxing. Much more handling when you mount heavy lenses on the D850 and of course the comfort when you shoot vertically. A bit more weight but this is absolutely acceptable for the more of comfort and this is the fundament for the 9 frames per second. More in the video.




perfect aperture previewThe Perfect Aperture

The aperture is one of the key creative tools in photography and determines the sharpness of a photograph. So is there something like the perfect aperture or anything like the perfect sharpness? The simple answer is: no. The more complex answer is: it depends on your point of view – literally. To get a better overview and understanding of the aperture you should take a look on this article.




Wacom Intuos Pro M - Review & Unboxing


It got still in the video section but here is my latest video: the review and unboxing for the Wacom Intuos Pro M graphic tablet. It was time for a new toy so I spend money for something what I've always wanted. This graphic tablet allows me to work much comfortable and precise in Photoshop, even for retouching tasks. It makes fun to use and offers a great natural feeling for painting on the computer. For more just watch the video.




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