Photography Basics: ISO Explained
The ISO settings explained. What are the best settings for which situation and how to get out of automatic mode of your camera. With many samples to get an easy understanding of the ISO.

Photography Basics: The Aperture
The next episode of the Photography Basics! We talk about the aperture this time. What this is, how it works, what the depth of field is and what is the right aperture for which situation will be all explained in this video. With many sample pictures and detailed explanation for a better understanding of the aperture.
Photography Basics: What is Exposure?
A new beginner video series and we start with the exposure time. All you need to know for the topic of exposure. A compact overview how to set up the camera and how to find the right shutter speed for your subject.
Optical Aberrations
Optical aberrations in photography can be annoying, but do you recognize them nowadays where everything is developed to it’s limits and beyond? This is an overview what technical flaws can occur when you take photos.